Ralph Lauren Themed Film Shoot
The goal of this particular filming session was centered around capturing the beauty of the autumn leaves in its enchanting forest element. The talent (Jaxon) displays Ralph Lauren apparel as he plays and enjoys his connection with the natural elements. This apparel (SPEC) film session was designed to display excitement and energy around a quality brand apparel brand as it relates to children’s clothing.
High Energy Graduation Celebration
The goal of this film session was to display high energy with a strong sense of confidence and achievement. The talent and client (April) is set in an urban environment with unique structures as she models different styles of apparel in celebration of her college graduation achievement.
Transitional Graduation Celebration
This film session was designed to celebrate an academic transition/achievement from high school to college. The talent (Lanae) is place in an environment of natural peace and serenity as she displays her high school academic achievements and an end of an era, to transitioning into her initial steps of the college life culture and academic arena.
A Celebration of Life
During this film segment, the talent/client(Jelli) documents an audio message for her soon to be born child. The talent and her son display their appreciation of life’s journey in anticipation of their soon to be new family member.